Roasted Garlic Brussel Sprouts... with Bacon!

Roasted Garlic Brussel Sprouts... with Bacon!

Remember when you used to gag at the words “brussel sprouts” (or maybe you still do)?

I really don’t know why brussel sprouts got such a bad rap... I mean, they're like cute, baby cabbages, and they taste amazing when paired with simple flavors, particularly garlic and/or bacon.

Well, ok, they do smell kinda funny. 

But still... they're fun and flavorful and when cooked like this... you can almost forget they're a vegetable.  ;)


Prep: 20 mins
Bake: 45-50 mins 


  • brussel sprouts, 2-3 lbs
  • bacon, 1 package - uncured, free of nitrates, phosphates, sulfites, sugars, etc
  • bacon fat, 6-8 tbsp - use what you render from cooking the bacon (or another fat, but you'll want to make sure it's safe for high-heat cooking)
  • garlic, minced, 1 tbsp 
  • lemon juice, 2 tbsp
  • salt and pepper, to taste



(in order of use)

  • oven, preheated to 450
  • stove top fry pan (cast iron is the bestest!)
  • chef's knife
  • cutting board
  • fork or tongs
  • 2 glass baking pans, 9x13
  • (paper) towel-lined plate
  • tbsp
  • spatula or stirring utensil
  • foil or oven-safe baking cover



  1. Pre-heat oven to 450.
  2. Start frying bacon. 
  3. In meantime, chop brussels in halves or thirds and toss into glass baking pans, dividing evenly.
  4. When bacon crisps up, place strips on towel-lined plate and set in freezer.
  5. Spread liquid (bacon) fat, minced garlic, and salt evenly over sprouts. Stir to coat well.
  6. Cover pans foil/lid and bake in oven for 30 minutes.
  7. Remove pans from oven and set aside foil/lid. Stir sprouts well.
  8. Return sprouts to oven, uncovered, to cook 15 additional minutes. Meanwhile... crumble cold bacon into small pieces and return to freezer, 
  9. Check sprouts for done-ness -- they should be brown and soft, easily pierced by a fork.
  10. If you'd like sprouts extra tasty, I recommend broiling them for a few minutes, watching closely, until they are extra crispy... but not burnt!  ;)
  11. Sprinkle sprouts with crumbled bacon.

Serve with a smile + enjoy!  :)

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